7 Deadly Design Mistakes That Will Ruin Your SEO!

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Websites and blogs are a great way for the businesses of all sizes to connect with their customers. In recent years this approach has been widely used by various business especially small ones and has helped them in gaining success.

When it comes to these websites, there are a few things which matter in creating the impression about the brand and its webpage. Where appropriate name, attractive layout, and animation matters, being user-friendly, and having valid and useful information holds great importance as well.

As brands start investing in their layout designs, animators and 2D animation companies to have a creative website, they forgot to make their websites’ SEO friendly. This can result in not having the influence you might be expecting.

So, while designing your website make sure to avoid these design mistakes.

  1.    Lack of optimized information.

When it comes to search engine optimization it is important to understand that search engines look for content rather than the fancy images and multimedia. Therefore, when designing the web pages it is extremely important to understand the worth of keywords or optimized information.

Hence, it is advisable to use related and relevant information so that the search engine and their algorithm can recognize your website. Lastly, where pictures are important and do help in gaining attention, don’t replace your information with just them, balance is the key.

  1.    Stuffed Content

Where it is essential to have a balance of written content and pictures or any other sort of multimedia, it is also very important to not crowd your website with words. At one place where keywords lead you to the top of the search engine, excessive use of similar words can also kill your website.

It is advisable while working with the keyword to use them once or twice and then use the relative synonyms in order to avoid the repetition. Try to have short and comprehensible sentences in order to earn your SEO goals.

  1.    Splash Pages

Splash pages are the first page that appears as soon as you open some websites. These pages are not the real content but they lead you to the main page. Companies usually use splash pages in order to promote their brands and that is one thing search engines don’t like.

In order to design a successful search engine optimized website, it is advisable that you avoid these splash pages. Search engines consider these pages as an excessive form of advertisement, hence, they can negatively impact the reach of your webpage.

  1.    Not Mobile Friendly

One of the things which can majorly kill your website is if it is not mobile friendly or has to heavy data to load. Currently, almost every person has a phone and it is the prime source of gaining information and internet surfing. This makes it very important that your website is optimized enough to be accessible on phones.

  1.    Ads

Moving towards the next factor that can bring down the success of your page is the pop-up ads. If you want to take into consideration the users’ point of view they are found to be irritating and usually users avoid such websites. Where at times it is found that these pop-up ads might increase the traffic on the website, on the other hand, some ads might bring them down.

  1.    Error 404:

As the word itself suggests “Error” is one thing which your user doesn’t want. As a 2D animation company and other web designers, you should be aware to provide proper links to redirect to your user. If the visitor especially those who might be visiting your site for the first time come across these sorts of technical errors then chances are you are losing your audience.

There are times that many web designers are unable to link up the pages in these scenarios it is highly advisable to have a properly designed error page with animations. This will not only reconnect you with the user but also show a positive image and lastly don’t forget to direct them back to the working pages.

  1.    URL structure

Lastly for those who have already made their webpage which is functioning successfully it is important for them to be very vigilant when redesigning or changing their URL structure. The change in URL structure creates a hindrance for the search engine in identifying your page hence it is advised not to mess with the URL.

In the end:

If you are a beginner or a brand with an already developed website it is important to be considerate of not only the content that you post but how you post it and how you optimize it. As the digital world is developing it is important to take care of these measures to have a successful webpage.


Rob Boirun
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