7 free courses to consider for excelling in content marketing

You have heard a countless motivational speeches stating that it’s never too late to learn a new skill, and content marketing, being the latest buzzword in the realm of business, is the skill everyone should acquire.
But while learning the proper content marketing skills, some of you may not have the luxury to spend money on an expensive course. But that doesn’t mean you should stop learning. Now, what if you can become a certified content marketer without coughing up a huge sum? Well, check out these free courses on content marketing to help you out.

Google Digital Garage

Google has initiated a program known as “digital garage” which offers courses on a variety of topics from the search engine to social media. The topics are divided into different categories, with each one providing several tutorials or lessons. You have the option of choosing between lessons and topics as per your requirements, or you can also sign up for the certification track.
If you plan to pursue these courses, you will earn a certificate from Google and the IAB Europe after you finish every course.

Content Marketing Certification Course by HubSpot


If you wish to venture into content marketing, you might want to check this one out. It allows you to learn how to create a feasible content marketing strategy for your business, which will assist you to convert your visitors into leads and then further into customers.
The course provides you with an elaborate description of all the layers of content marketing, which involves content planning, creation, repurposing, promotion, and analytics. At the end of the course, you will have to sit for an exam and answer 60 questions, and upon clearing the exam, you will receive the certificate on your registered email.

SEO Training course by Udemy

Udemy Excel at production

Content marketing and Search engine optimization are closely related to one another. Content marketing is a process of developing and disseminating pertinent and useful content to generate leads, while the process of SEO ensures the visibility of your content among your target audience that ultimately helps you in the process of lead generation. To become an efficient content marketer, you require to maintain a precise understanding of SEO procedures. Acquiring the right knowledge about SEO practices will also allow you to have an added advantage over your peers.
One of the simplest ways to have an understanding of SEO is to enroll in the course dedicated to SEO on Udemy. The course is free for anyone who takes interest in gathering knowledge on the basics of SEO.

Writing for the Web by Open2Study

If you are particularly interested in content creation and writing enticing content for an online audience, you can sign up for Writing for the Web course on the platform called Open2Study.
Regardless of whether you want to sharpen your content writing skills for managing a blog, social media accounts, web copywriting or technical writing, this course will equip you with the right skills. This course offers a certificate of achievement after the successful completion of the exam.

The Strategy of Content Marketing by Coursera


Coursera is quite similar to Udemy and offers a wide range of courses, which are also known as Massive Online Open Courses (MOOCs). The study programs on this online learning platform are associated with colleges and universities. Hence, they are as good as taking a college level course, that too from the comfort of your home.
The Strategy of Content Marketing course is presented in association with Copyblogger and the University of California, Davis. It’s a five-week course that assists you to learn how you can develop and integrate an effective content strategy, and also makes you familiar with the appropriate guidance and advice for professional copywriting.
Even though you can watch the videos and get through the entire course for free, but to receive the certificate you need subscribe to the platform.

Become a better blogger: Content Planning by Skillshare

Become a better blogger:content planning free course

This is a content marketing course presented by Skillshare, which is another prominent online learning platform. This program is designed to instruct you how to create meaningful content regularly by using the latest digital marketing trends to your advantage. This course is developed by Andrea Goulet Ford, from a company named BrandVox. The purpose of this course is to help business leaders build a business personality.
Taking this course assists you to learn how to put in place a proper plan for your blog that offers you with an edge over your competitors.

Strategic Marketing Course by CoSchedule

CoSchedule – The #1 Marketing Calendar

This course from CoSchedule acquaints you with the procedure of presenting a marketing strategy. After you have got through the course, there will be an assessment of how you prepare your marketing strategy. If you pass, you receive a certificate as a Marketing Strategy Certified content marketer.
The course comprises of self-assessment quizzes so you can check how much you’ve learned. It has the facility of video workshops, and a Facebook group so you can maintain communication with others taking the online course.
So if you are worried that a career in content marketing will require you to shell out a whopping course fee, you can definitely take these free courses to excel in the particular field.

Author Bio: Jijo Thomas is the Best Essay Writer working with leading company based in USA, i.e. AllEssayWriter.Com. He lives in Northern California with “the wife,” “the kids,” “the dog,” “that cat,” and he occasionally wears pants. He is also known for his best blogs written on various topics related to Email, Education, and Digital Marketing etc. Follow @thomasjijo1 for more updates on his content.

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