Today, promoting personal branding is more important than promoting a brand incorporate. As an expert, knowledge, and experience of that particular person is a product. It is much easier to create a personal brand using social media connections. Promoting a personal branding website is the same as promoting a company or a firm. The uniqueness and the way you promote “your” brand is the only difference compared to the promotional methods.
Five ways of marketing your personal branding website
Creating a stand-alone personal website
- The domain name of your personal branding website should have your first and last name.
- A website should look simple and easily accessible to the visitors.
- It should not contain more than 4 pages like About, Services, Blog, and Contact page.
- A simple and brief description about you is important to make your visitors know about you well.
- Blog page should be updated frequently. It is the area where your visitors find solutions for their queries and if they need more assistance they will contact you.
- Service listings are more important. They help visitors to choose the type of service they are in need of.
For Instance, if a person needs a professional SEO service, listing page should contain the details of how much experience you have in SEO and what are the Professional SEO services you can provide to your client etc.
Use your images
For personal branding website, it is essential to use your own image on your website. It is important because you are the main product of your personal brand. You are selling yourself as a product/service to your client. Displaying your own image will also build trust in you and your service. A good quality of image should be used on your website. The image should reflect the real you and your professionalism which you own. Don’t use funny or any adventurous images on personal branding website.
Intensify your blog page
Your blog page should be updated frequently with top trending niches related to your services. If you are providing SEO Services, post an updated strategy, and also list your professional SEO Services.
You can feature your recent contents on a homepage. It improves the click-through rate of your website. This is a way of showing your readers your knowledge. Content marketing is the most important method of marketing your personal branding website.
Make visitors engage on your content. For this your content should be the most trusted source of trending news. It is known that becoming an information source build a strong foundation for your personal brand.
Engage on Social Media
Twitter is the most trusted and fastest social media networks among all. You can use Twitter effectively to build your personal brand. To get visible on search engines responding to relevant tweets, this can build your brand profile page easily. Such related conversation and experts’ advice is helpful for your clients to know more about your potential and also builds the reputation online.
Online presentation and videos are one of the best ways to reach out to more visitors. If you have attended any conferences, seminars or online meetups, share your presentation and videos on Slideshare, YouTube, Vimeo etc.. This allows people to download the contents. These methods would increase your reputation.
E-mail newsletter on a weekly basis
You should encourage your website users to subscribe to your weekly email newsletter. Building an email list is more essential for personal branding website. Make an email newsletter subscription page as popup page while user visiting your website. Describe the advantages of joining your email list. Prompt a subscription notification throughout your blog content this will encourage your reader to subscribe for the weekly or monthly newsletter.
Author Bio
This is Samantha Christy, Digital Marketer who has hands of Experience on Content Writing, Search Engine Optimization, Search Engine Marketing and Social Media Marketing. Being passionate about all the above wish to share my knowledge and experience on what I gained in my career path. Blogging is Strength to Share thoughts, ideas and now started writing for www.tahrseo.com, Local SEO Company.