Structured Data Markup & Why it matters in 2019

In 2019 structured data markup (rich snippets) strongly influences the search result. More and more sites with rich snippets can be seen among top 10 Google pages. It occurred because snippets (picture and explanatory text, rating, author, quick links) are revealed directly on the Google search page.

Search marketing defines snippet as a description of the site page that appears in the search result under the heading and link. With its help, search engines tell users whether the found resource corresponds to the request.

Correct snippet display is an important moment of website optimization, which is still undervalued, but this is the first thing the user sees when notices the site in the search.

Apple Recipe rich snippet example

In addition, when you embed structured data into your content, you help Google understand the deep meaning and essence of your content. Thus, it better adapts your content to search queries. The more attractive the snippet, the more visitors click on it and go to the site. And if the page satisfies the user’s query, he spends on the page a sufficient amount of time or takes action (fills out forms, orders calls, uses the site search or online chat and makes purchases). As a result, these clicks affect the site ranking and your site goes up.

On the graph below it is shown, how high the CTR is, according to the site position in Google.

CTR graph and site position

In fact, companies that use rich snippets have seen an increase in CTR by 20-30{ba0a9a3e15355dd97c9749cb9a24ec6f5ef05feff25622efecfa17819de82733}.

According to Search Engine Land, the Dutch site, dedicated to car insurance, with the help of rich snippets increased CTR by 28{ba0a9a3e15355dd97c9749cb9a24ec6f5ef05feff25622efecfa17819de82733}. Glenn Gabe, the president of G-Squared Interactive, stated that a featured snippet yielded 41,444 clicks in 90 days, accounting for 73{ba0a9a3e15355dd97c9749cb9a24ec6f5ef05feff25622efecfa17819de82733} of the client’s traffic from Google. And CTR? – 13.2{ba0a9a3e15355dd97c9749cb9a24ec6f5ef05feff25622efecfa17819de82733}.

Google traffic increased by featured snippet example

When and how to use rich snippets?

Good question. I would say as it is – for almost any type of site it is possible to do this. Of course, if you are not indifferent to the site traffic increase.

Here are some popular rich snippets that Google supports:


Here is a small example: a site sells household appliances and has a wide range of products. Of course, most of them have feedback, and users evaluate this or that product on a 5-point scale. Google supports the output of stars in search results and it helps the user to make a decision whether the product is of good quality and if it is worth clicking on the link to learn more about the characteristics.

Bosch reviews and prices - review snippet example

As a result, such a small moment attracts more attention.


This is one of the most common types of rich snippets, which allows you to display more information about the page and its author.

People snippet example

Detailed Product Descriptions

Product Description snippet, example on Samsung

As you can see, thanks to the structured data markup, you can display additional information directly in the search results. The advantages of this function are obvious, because the presence of additional lines not only attracts the attention of potential customers but also makes the site in the search more visible.

Information about events and presentations

Let’s say your site distributes information about various events (concerts, courses, presentations, live discussions and other events). Thus directly in the SERP you can display information about the planned events.

Best events in August, snippet example

Note the example. The sites sell tickets to various concerts. The potential customer receives additional information without going over to the resource itself. One of the events may interest him or he will want to find out a poster for another day. All this leads to a click on the link and visits to your site.


In fact, this is an opportunity to mark out songs, and to display links to them immediately in the search. Which is quite convenient. Enter into the search the name of the artist, and at once you can go to the page of his fresh song.

Music snippet example on Rihanna Songs


As for the video. In most cases, Google pulls video from YouTube. But if you configure advanced markup, then there are all chances that the video will also be displayed in the search results. Of course, if it is on the site. This is very relevant for sites where most of the video content is movies, series, video recipes and so on.

Dates of publication

The date of publication plays an important role, especially in news projects, so we recommend that you bring it out to the snippet. If it’s about blogs, the date also does not hurt – it will show that the information in the post is not obsolete.

If you do search engine optimization of the site, then at least do not forget that you can increase the number of clicks from the search using rich snippets. Many people do this and get a normal return in the form of a larger percentage of Google search conversions.

There are a lot of ways how to use data structured markup directly for your site and business. Our company consults every business individually and creates rich snippets depending on your needs.

Rob Boirun
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