Submit New Tools

Just launched a handy tool or know such one?

There are a lot of new tools and products that people don’t know about.

Some of these web tools can help automate our work, save time, make life more comfortable or even safer. With the tempo of the technology growth, it is just impossible to follow all tech innovations that are launched almost everyday.

And with the popularity of startups, the new ideas become reality.

How to be sure, that the tool you are using is still up-to-date and there are still no better alternatives? What is the feedback for the new tool and if it is worth moving your work to a new product?

SeoLab is here for you. If you are the owner of a new tool or a lucky user, share it with our readers. Describe the cool features it has, and why it is better than anything else.

Follow our submission requirements:

  1. In the form below please submit your product.
  2. The description should be not less than 600 words.

  3. The article should contain the information about the following:

    – the date when it was launched or how long time you are using it.

    – what its made for, its purpose and for whom.

    – its main features.

    – the benefits and the lacks.

    – the link to the product.

    – the price. And if it is free, please don’t forget to mention it.

    – any other information, that will be interesting to the reader, like discounts, coupons or lotteries.

  4. If it is an affiliate link, we take fees.

  5. If you don’t have time to write a description, we can do it for you for a fee for our writers. In such way, please let us know in the form below.

  6. You can submit all this data in the Google document and send us the link to it. You can also send  the post about your tool directly to alisa.bagrii/seolab/org.

  7. You can also write for us or submit an event. We accept infographics.

    SEO Lab